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Areas of expertise
  • Anxiety, stress and worries
  • Trauma
  • Neurodiversity – counselling, advocacy, whanau support and psychoeducation
  • Work stress and burnout
  • Immigration
  • Chronic illnesses (including ME/CFS)
  • Depression and mental health challenges
  • Cancer 
  • Concussion
  • BiPolar 2
  • Grief and loss
  • Resolving conflict
  • Relationships, parenting and family issues

As a counsellor I provide confidential 50-minute counselling sessions face to face in Nelson, by phone or online via Doxyme.

I offer flexible times with day and early evening counselling sessions.

Neurodivergent-affirming services

My study, as well as experience with family members who have ASD, ADHD and other neurodivergent traits have deepened my appreciation of diversity and how individuals perceive and interact with the world.

My approach

  • Committed to create a safe, accepting and sensory calming, comfortable space
  • Encouraging clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment
  • Empowering clients to embrace their strengths, successfully navigate challenges, and thrive in their own unique ways
  • Working with clients to develop strategies that honour their own needs and goals, by facilitating self-awareness, resilience, and growth.

My counselling room

I’ve intentionally created a space catering to unique needs of neurodivergent clients, drawing on personal understanding and professional expertise. My intention is to have a space where clients feel calm, understood, respected. The counselling experience and environment is carefully thought out to promote a neurodivergent-affirming comfortable, safe, and sensory regulated space by offering these options:

  • Flexible session formats and lengths, including online and phone options
  • Soft lighting
  • Calming colours
  • Aromatherapy diffuser and scented candles
  • Comfortable seating including a chair, couch, swiss ball and beanbag
  • Fidget tools
  • Weighted blanket
  • Visual whiteboard
  • Visual timer
  • Clear signage
  • Photos before our 1st session
  • Ability to remove items to accommodate clients

Animal-assisted counselling

I also offer the option of animal-assisted therapy with my gentle, affectionate labradoodle. I do this because:

  • I recognise the profound impact animals can have on our emotional and mental health.
  • With the presence of our furry friend, clients can experience a unique sense of comfort, companionship, and unconditional acceptance during sessions.
  • Our furry co-therapist helps to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and increase feelings of connection and joy.


  • Free 15-minute discovery phone call to discover if working together is a good fit for you
  • Face-to-face counselling         $130
  • Animal-assisted counselling    $140
  • Urgent/afterhours counselling $180
  • Advocacy and support for families with neurodiversity – price tbc
eCounselling available NZ wide
  • Video counselling via      $130
  • Telehealth counselling                  $130
  • Psycho-educational groups by design – Group-based mental health support programmes developed for your organisation Contact me
  • Advocacy and support for families with neurodiversity Contact me
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